Bootstrap Datepicker css is not working well

Bootstrap Datepicker css is not working well

For my case, this problem occur because the css datepicker not well directed, although datepicker show in your html page, that is all because javascript working well, so that it looks good, but acctualy your css datepicker not directed well, although datepicker appear.

to fix this problem, you must direct css correctly and check again. For example in my case

bellow this i direct my css corectly

<link href="themes/vendor/bootstrap/datepicker/css/bootstrap-datepicker3.css" rel="stylesheet">

and bellow this i direct my css not correctly, although datepicker appear, because javascript still works

<link href="themes/vendor/bootstrap/datepicker/bootstrap-datepicker3.css" rel="stylesheet">

Baca juga : Input Tanggal Dengan Bootstrap Datepicker

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