Issue with WooCommerce Redirecting to Lost Password Page

 A few days ago, I encountered an issue where every time a customer tried to reset their account password on WooCommerce, it would always fail. First, the user accesses the lost password page and then enters the username or email of the account they want to reset. WordPress successfully sends the link to reset the password, but when the link is clicked, WordPress redirects them to the lost password page and asks them to enter the email again. Ideally, when the link is successfully clicked, WordPress should display the reset password page.

Issue with WooCommerce Redirecting to Lost Password Page

This issue was quite surprising because I had never customized anything related to the login page before, so the problem seemed to occur out of nowhere. I tried various methods to customize or identify the error causing the issue by hardcoding, but there were no changes at all.

Since this WordPress system uses hosting from WPEngine, I eventually contacted their IT Support, and it turned out there was a caching problem on their server system. This was resolved by creating an exclusion. I am not sure if the exclusion was only for the lost password page or for the entire site, because caching on the server is intended to speed up access to the server or website pages.

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